Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Welcome to the Faculty Blog

Welcome to YOUR space.

As adjunct instructors, our job is to create "spaces" -- in brick and mortar classrooms, in Blackboard, and beyond -- where learning can take place. We might have divergent reasons for serving as adjuncts but we share a common objective -- to facilitate deep and life-long learning for adults. That makes us a community of shared practice, and this blog is space we are reserving to speak directly with that community. It is our space for sharing ideas about teaching and learning.

So what can you expect to read when you view this blog? Posts might center on developing ideas regarding facilitation, feedback, assessment, classroom management, adult learning, technology, or learning theory. Or perhaps we will discuss a new book or journal article on educational practices. We also want to recognize the work that you are doing in your classrooms. Tell us what you are finding through your own process of trial and error. Yes, this also is a place for stories about good teaching.

The blog will be run by members of the Faculty Development and Curriculum Design team. However, please note that each of you can provide your own personal comments to each blog entry. We hope discussions ensue.

We look forward to sharing this learning space with you.

1 comment:

John Bermingham said...


Thanks for the reception! It was great to see some familiar faces and meet some new ones. Thanks for all the information as well.

I like the fact that as a new adjunct instructor teaches a course for the first time, we can reach out to you to get in touch with another instructor who has already taught the course. I feel this would be valuable to help the new instructors remain comfortable with the course as the term progresses.

If there are any adjunct faculty who need to reach out to me regarding on-line courses, I have been teaching online for over 4 years now and am available anytime by e-mail or home phone at 732-201-0510.

Thanks again!
