Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Ellen Boltizar wins the 2012 SPS Adjunct Excellence Award

Dr. Deirdre Letson (l), Ellen Boltizar (c) and Anthony Yacullo

Each year we ask the SPS students to nominate instructors who best use their talents and character to stimulate deep thinking and true learning. They take the task seriously and provide us with often lengthy explanations of how this adjunct inspired them to lead and that adjunct changed their lives. How this one helped them exceed expectations and that one armed them with potent, new skills.  Reading the nominations is one of the most gratifying aspects of my job. [FN1]

We are pleased to announce that Ellen Boltizar has been named the 2012 recipient of the SPS Adjunct Excellence Award.   Ellen has been part of the SPS family for over seven years, teaching Organizational Behavior, Management Information Systems, and Business Statistics.  Speaking highly of Ellen is easy.  But this is a student driven award so I will rely on their words, taken directly from the nominations, to explain why Ellen took home the prize:

  • Ellen Possesses characteristics that show she genuinely cares about the material and the students;
  • She has a desire to ensure everyone understands and learns;
  • She is patient, positive, genuine and VERY intelligent;
  • She was present with us every step of the way;
  • She gave feedback that was very helpful;
  • I found myself referencing our class sessions almost daily; we still reference things we learned in her class today;
  • She works hard and genuinely cares;
  • Her organization and prompt responses made the class a CHALLENGING DELIGHT;
  • I never witnessed an instructor so passionate with their lectures;
  • She made each activity interesting and some even fun;
  • I knew Ellen’s lecture would be a great “pick me up” and looked forward to attending her lectures;
  • I can take her lectures and always utilize them, whether in class, at work, or socially;
  • She interacted with all classmates and made you feel part of a GROUP not just a class she was teaching; and
  • Her mix of passion, life experience, patience, and positive attitude are the perfect mix for excellence.

On nights she teaches, Ellen comes in early with her bag of teaching tricks in tow, black bags on wheels filled with unique incentives, handouts, activities, and who knows what else (I only catch occasional glimpses of them at the copier!). Seeing Ellen on those occasions I can count on receiving at least three things:  a smile, some constructive feedback, and several good ideas.  If having her in class is “a challenging delight” then having her on staff is our unending good fortune.

Congratulations Ellen and thank you for all that you do.

[FN1]  After all student nominations were received, I convened a panel consisting of myself and four other SPS staff members to review the nominations and ascertain, using the student feedback, which instructor most closely fulfilled the criteria of the award.


Anonymous said...


Congratulations on winning the award. It is always nice to see a colleague win an award.

All the best,

George Repic

Anonymous said...



Karen Crisonino